Campus Physical Plant
Campus Physical Plant provides cost effective and responsive service for maintenance and operation of facilities, grounds, utility services, and other related support functions that support the instructional, research, and public service functions of the ·ð×æ½ûФͼ.
Physical Plant support services include maintenance and operation of facilities, grounds, utility services, minor renovations, and related services.
Medical Center Physical Plant
Medical Center Physical Plant provides high quality, professional facilities services to support the healthcare, research, and educational programs of the ·ð×æ½ûФͼ Medical Center complex through innovative and cost effective housekeeping, preventative maintenance, corrective maintenance, renovation and life safety initiatives.
Capital Projects Management Division serves as liaison between the University clientele having capital construction needs, other University service units, and privately owned companies providing the necessary design, consulting and construction services. This Division develops and coordinates the University's programmatic space requirements and reconciles those needs with available project funding, to maximize the programmed space.
The Office of the University Architect & Facilities Planning is responsible for:
» The orderly growth and physical development of the ·ð×æ½ûФͼ in support the University of Kentucky Strategic Plan Goals.
» Initiating and coordinating the preparation of Physical Development Plans for the main campus in Lexington as well as other University owned properties throughout the Commonwealth.
» Conducting design reviews of all capital improvement projects for compliance with the appropriate physical development plan and the applicable strategic plan goals. -
Office of Sustainability